
ด่านกักกันสัตว์ท่าอากาศยานสุวรรณภูมิ อาคารศุลกากรตรวจสินค้าขาออก(CE-1) เขตปลอดอากร ชั้น1 ต.ราชาเทวะ อ.บางพลี จ.สมุทรปราการ 10540







In order to export dogs/cats to Qatar, the following lists are required:

  1. Passport of the exporter, hardcopy versions.

**In case the exporter is not available to submit the documents in person, please assign them to a delegate with a power of attorney document.

  1. Your pets have to be at least 7 months old.
  2. The microchip certificate, both original and copy.

   – Must be implanted before getting a rabies vaccination.

   – We will count the primary rabies vaccination which is injected after the microchip implantation.

   -In case of the same date, a vet must write down both the time of microchip implantation and rabies vaccination.

  1. The rabies and combination vaccine certificate/booklet, both original and copy versions. Must include all of the following information:

       – Date of vaccination and vaccine product information.

       – Full name, license number, and signature of a veterinarian who administered the vaccination.

       – In case of any correction the vet signature is required.

  1. The report of the serology test for rabies which is not less than 3 months from the date of blood sampling was taken to the departure date, both original and copy.

    – Blood samples must be taken a minimum of 30 days after the primary rabies vaccination.

    – The Rabies serology titer result must be at least 0.5 I.U./ml.

  1. Destination’s import permit (contact Qatar animal quarantine station).

Please, bring all the required documents in both hardcopy and original versions with your pets to the Animal Quarantine Station for physical examination within 1-5 business days prior to the departure date without any reservation needed. We are open Monday-Friday (except Thai public holidays) 08:30 am – 12:00 pm and 01:00 pm – 03:30 pm.

All the processes here will take about 2-3 hours; we will provide you the official health certificate and the export permit. Please prepare 250 THB/pet and 10 THB/Shipment for a fee (Cash only).



ด่านกักกันสัตว์ท่าอากาศยานสุวรรณภูมิ อาคารศุลกากรตรวจสินค้าขาออก(CE-1) เขตปลอดอากร ชั้น1 ต.ราชาเทวะ อ.บางพลี จ.สมุทรปราการ 10540


02 134 0731  


Import : qsap_bkk_import@dld.go.th Export : qsap_bkk_export@dld.go.th